Roane County Broadband Project Reports
The process of instigating this project produced several public reports, first two important notes:
UPDATES IN PROGRESS: This text was copied here as-is simply to get it online, quick & dirty, next step is a revision of the whole body of text and restructuring into something more website friendly.
Brainstorming Disclaimer: Overall process here starts with an idealized vision, throw every idea available at it to see what sticks, build bridges, blaze trails, try for bigger then settle for smaller, and so on. Meanwhile in practice we take small incremental logical steps toward those goals. Ultimately parts of this will not survive contact with reality, but neither will "good ideas" be abandoned simply for lack of funding, just collected for eventual use. Also note this was written by Chris Dalzell, one person, the Broadband Committee, or larger community, may change some or even most of it...
Roane County Broadband Report and Prospective Project: This 28-page merged document contains three reports and a prospective project (divided into three articles for length).
- WV House Bill 3093 Report: Links to bill text, section by section summary, basic analysis, and projects in neighboring counties.
- Roane County Broadband Report: Provides overview of existing broadband service, and lists internet service providers.
- Prospective Roane County Broadband Project - Overview: Outlines a buttom-up community based implementation of a county-wide non-profit broadband cooperative to provide gigabit fiber broadband to all residents.
- Prospective Roane County Broadband Project - Basic Technical Summary: Provides a fairly basic introduction to fiber optics, tailors scope to county network usage. Includes an overview of network services.
- Prospective Roane County Broadband Project - Secondary Projects: Explores various supporting and follow-on projects. Supporting projects add to the co-op to generate more income, more economic development, or otherwise increase community benefit. Follow-on projects are further economic development using established loan repayment cash flow after loans are paid off.
- Broadband Case Studies Report: Provides summaries of several case studies which support different aspects of this proposed project to cite that its been done before - each with links. Include a links section with more case studies and other resource sites.
Roane County Broadband Project Scenarios Report: This 16-page document is four parts, prospective scenarios, internal project planning, and addednum to the previous document.
- Prospective Roane County Broadband Project Scenarios Report: Starts with project background information. Presents state pilot project, super co-op, multiple county co-ops, single co-op over multiple counties, and line co-op scenarios.
- Prospective Roane County Broadband Project Planning Overview: Lists short-term next steps, local meetings, surveys, feasibility study, network mapping.
- Prospective Roane County Broadband Project Addendum: Updates on utility pole usage, new fiber tech, temporary wireless, early broadband, and volunteers & service credit.